View Full Version : Stockton Trip 8th May 2010

08-03-10, 08:12 PM
Who's keen to do a Stockton run?
There has been no formal trips to stockton since being a member. So its time. I have been there before but not for many many years, So if someone else would like to lead there welcome & if not I will lead.
Meeting point to be advised prob. the servo @ Lavis Lane
Permits are required I will find out the best place to get them.

Meeting Point #1 Departure 0730hrs (if you want breakfast be there extra early as this is a very busy Macc's).


41 St Johns Rd
Jilliby NSW 2259


Meeting Point #2 Suggestions???

List So Far:

1 )Hunno?????????? Depending on Engine Swap.
2 )Steve F-OUT
3 )Michelle & Adam-OUT
4 )TK421
5 )NT-Boy-OUT
7 )D.K.-OUT
9 )SteveC
11)Pura Vida
18 )Casey-OUT
20)Aaron Brown (in a stock X Trail)
23)Heidi and Brian
25)CraigB+1 (Prado)-OUT??
26)CraigB+2 (Navarra ute)-OUT??
28 ) Kenny

08-03-10, 09:05 PM
The servo at Lavis Lane can do the permits, I believe they're about $10/car?

I went up there a few months back for the annual cleanup and had a great time. Just make sure your cooling system is in top shape, as even running around in low range, the soft sand will put a lot of load on your engine & transmission. Auto JK owners needs to be especially careful not to overheat the transmission, as Tony will attest to! This is one place where the traction control system is a curse....

08-03-10, 09:10 PM
This is one place where the traction control system is a curse....

Pull the fuse stop it from working

Steve F
08-03-10, 09:24 PM
I might be able to lead a trip up there then, been there plenty of times and run plenty of club trips there.


08-03-10, 09:36 PM
We'd be keen for a Stockton trip
michelle and adam

09-03-10, 12:02 AM
After many weeks trying to log in - back on board... ...Stockton will be perfect for us - we've never been. Keen to give it a go.
Count us in for this Saturday - can we meet at MacDonald's in Berowra instead? Any idea of time?

09-03-10, 08:18 AM
Stockton trip, sounds good to me, pls put me down.....

09-03-10, 08:41 AM
I am in.


09-03-10, 09:06 AM
Count me in as well.
Had the Patrol and Defender at Stockton, but the TJ hasn't been there.
Im guessing the petrol engine will outperform the diesels on the dunes :-)

09-03-10, 09:42 AM
Count me in, Never been but heard good things.

09-03-10, 07:40 PM
8th May a long time away but put me down as well. Been a few times and never had to use low range ever! not sure why you'd want to. it's all to do with momentum and low pressures.
In my opinion it's better to start at the top and work down, easy run home then...

09-03-10, 08:14 PM
ill come too.


Pura Vida
10-03-10, 02:58 PM
Count me in.

Low range really isn’t necessary. I found the best way to get up steep hills is with lots of momentum coming in and tire pressure around 12/13 lbs.

Last time I went I came in near Ana Bay (port stephens), but the best dunes (and shipwreck) are just south of Lavis Lane. It is good however to start up north and work your way down to exit at Lavis Lane (if you can find the exit from the beach).

Pictures from my last trip after Wattagans in January.


Steve F
10-03-10, 03:16 PM
Low range works well on sand not for traction etc but to help keep the engine cool. Sand puts a lot of load on the engine and keeping it in low range means less effort and a cooler engine (faster spinning engine fan etc). Most of the time you dont need momentum to get around Stockton, only when you're hitting the dunes hard and then high range is handy.


Pura Vida
10-03-10, 03:22 PM
Between Lavis Lane and the shipwreck, there’s also an area that’s really good for catching some air if you’re an idiot like me (see pictures).



10-03-10, 03:43 PM
Hi all,

Im massive keen to tag a long !! Went last weekend with some work mates and had a blast !!


11-03-10, 11:51 AM
We might have to come along to this one, it will 1 day short of 12 months since I went to stockton last (unless I sneak a trip in in the mean time).

Put me down for 2 vehicles as this stage, perhaps 3.


11-03-10, 12:49 PM
Just after peoples thoughts on numbers for this run. I can't see why there has to be a limit on this run as there is plenty of room, not confined to one track & can be split into two groups if needed. We have proved this to work previously.

11-03-10, 01:26 PM
There is a limit I believe, but just don't all show up at the same time in a big line. I seem to recall that a Jambo trip was stopped due to numbers. Even though you pay your beach access fees the local mgt seems to have a concern about toilets or some such thing. Maybe someone else who was there can remember the drama better than me. Steve?

11-03-10, 01:31 PM
If we get a large group accepting, then we can always split up into smaller groups and stagger the starting times....and meet up for lunch on the beach.

I am happy to lead a 2nd group if required.


11-03-10, 03:10 PM
Got to get the lid off sometime. Would like to attend if you are splitting into smaller groups which seems more likely to occur.................
Stephen T.

Steve F
11-03-10, 03:36 PM
There shouldn't be an issue with numbers, the person who works at the servo would have no idea how big a group is or have any say on if you go onto the beach or not. With the Jambo the trips were organised with Parks and Wildlife so I guess they may have asked the numbers to be limited but we wont have that problem. Anyway, plenty of room, easy to split up and we have run split trips to Stockton before with a meetup for lunch etc. In saying that though there's plenty of fun to be had watching others try dunes etc so it's not necessarliy all about the driving anyway :)

It should be a good trip and there are some good challenges I can think of to test drivers and vehicles ;)


11-03-10, 04:21 PM
Add us to the list please!

11-03-10, 10:19 PM
add us too - and we'll bring a visitor to tag along with us too if thats ok :)

Pura Vida
12-03-10, 04:47 PM
There’s also a great (different) dune for sandboarding (body boards with hard/slick bottoms) I will bring two.

12-03-10, 08:39 PM
There’s also a great (different) dune for sandboarding (body boards with hard/slick bottoms) I will bring two.

All we ever used was a piece of masonite sheet about 4'x2' & rub candle wax on the smooth side. they go like a rocket.

16-03-10, 01:11 AM
cant wait for this trip!!

Pura Vida
16-03-10, 08:50 PM
All we ever used was a piece of masonite sheet about 4'x2' & rub candle wax on the smooth side. they go like a rocket.

Then bring some masontie.

17-03-10, 12:56 PM
We are keen for this one to.
Limit is 40 people to a group but like has been mentioned already you can split in to two or more groups easily enough.

18-03-10, 06:52 PM
Hi Hunno

Can u add a Aaron Brown a mate of mine in a stock X Trail to tag along with us.


Steve F
18-03-10, 07:09 PM
Hi Hunno

Can u add a Aaron Brown a mate of mine in a stock X Trail to tag along with us.


Hopefully he has recovery points front and rear as once we get into the back of the dunes he will really struggle with limited ground clearance.


18-03-10, 07:40 PM
Put me down as likely as well :)

18-03-10, 08:12 PM
Hopefully he has recovery points front and rear as once we get into the back of the dunes he will really struggle with limited ground clearance.


Hi Steve

I will check the recovery points on his car and see if it is is suitable.


18-03-10, 08:53 PM
I'm in -
I look forward to test my jeep against a similar model - I will test out my crazynuts switch and see what difference the modified traction control system handles like!
cheers Hunty

19-03-10, 01:42 AM
I don't want to upset anyone by contradicting some of the things that have been said about driving on sand but I feel obliged to offer what I believe to be the right advice.

I have always lived in the Sutherland Shire and as a teenager in the Seventies JB and I learnt how to ride motorcycles and drive cars in the Kurnell sand dunes back when letting thirteen year old boys learn to drive out on the mud flats in Dad’s work utility seemed like a good idea to your parents and riding your unregistered scrambler, usually an old clapped out road bike that you modified in the back yard into a dirt bike, was acceptable and ignored by the Police.

The Kurnell dunes don’t exist anymore, they’ve all been trucked away to make concrete, but they were really something back then and easily the equal in height if not area of anything at Stockton. I may be inexperienced at 4wding but I am very experienced (about 35 years) and quite capable driving on sand in almost any kind of vehicle.

The fundamental idea behind driving effectively on sand is to “float” on top of the sand and not burrow into it. There are two main things that will affect this and together they are absolutely the best and only method to be used to drive in deep sand, even when climbing dunes.

Firstly you must run as low a tire pressure as you feel you can with your tires, or even a few pounds lower than that. This alone can make the difference between driving all day with no problems at all and continuously getting bogged.

Secondly and just as importantly, you must maintain a high momentum/speed as you can on sand by driving as fast as is reasonable for the terrain in as high a gear as possible. This keeps the wheels spinning at a higher speed where they will tend to stay above the sand and not dig into it which reduces the drag on the car and thereby the load on the engine.

Even two wheel drives can operate quite well driving on sand this way. All the early pioneers that used automobiles to explore the outback used two wheel drives without low range. All the cars in the famous “Redex Reliability Trails” where 2WD’s and Dune Buggies and Sand Rails, cars made exclusively to drive on sand are all 2WD without low range or any kind of lowered gears at all.

Driving in low range means you’re typically driving at slower speeds making the tires dig into the sand much more and increasing the drag on the vehicle dramatically putting much more load on the engine.

To drive effectively in sand you must;

· Use very low tire pressures
· Stay in high range and use the higher gears to drive as fast as you can confidently and safely
· Try to avoid turning the steering wheel suddenly and sharp turns. If you need to turn quickly do it with hard acceleration
· Use drag, not your brakes to stop or slow down and never brake going down the face of a steep dune, you’ll just burry the front end. Just ride it out using a neutral throttle and actually accelerate if you start to dig in
· Always drive at right angles to the face of a dune, going up or down otherwise you can easily roll the car. If a climb gets to steep for you don’t try to turn back down the dune, just ease off the throttle until you stop and use reverse to back straight back down or exactly the way you came up

Now I know that some of what I’ve said has directly contradicted some of the other comments on this thread and I apologise for that but I don’t believe that this is a matter of one person’s opinion over another, it is quite simply the right way versus the wrong way. This might sound arrogant and I don’t mean to offend anyone but I know what talking about and I feel strongly that members should be given the right advice. Unfortunately I’m too tactless to think of a smarter way to say it. Anyway I think that I’ve explained the rational behind my comments well enough that everyone can make their own decision about what has been said and drive accordingly.

As for the petrol JK’s automatic transmission overheating when sand driving causing the car to burst into flames I could write volumes but my simplest advice is this.

Before you do any sand driving get a reliable transmission temperature gauge fitted to your car.
Note: The Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) temperatures I’ve listed here are in Fahrenheit only because most auxiliary transmission temperature gauges are American and read in ° F.

Operating normally Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) will heat up to between 150° - 180°F. This is the normal running temperature and the transmission will operate without risk of damage at this temperature. But every time the ATF temp rises 20° above 180° F the life of the fluid is cut in half.

180° - 250° F is the allowable maximum ATF temperature for short durations but ATF can only handle this temperature for a few minutes before it begins to rapidly degrade and cause damage to the transmission. Personally if my transmission temp gets above 200° F I will park my car into the wind with the engine running and the bonnet open and wait for the temp to get back down under 180° F.

600° F is the Boiling and Self Ignition Point of Automatic Transmission Fluid. At this temperature the boiling ATF can force the dip stick to eject from the filler tube allowing it to run down onto the exhaust. This will ignite the ATF although it does not really need to because at 600° F ATF can self ignite making it impossible to put out no matter how many fire extinguishers you have. They will only put out the flames only as long as you are applying them to the fire. Once they are taken away the ATF simply reignites itself. The only way the fire will stop is when all the ATF is consumed. All you can do is watch.

I have the Genuine Jeep heavy duty ATF cooler fitted to my JK as well as a switch that can turn off the power to the ESP computer totally disconnecting it. Running with the cooler and with the ESP turned off well before summer in the cool of the evening at Stockton last autumn I got the temp gauge up to 210° F after only fifteen minutes of driving along the beach, not the dunes.

If you have a petrol auto JK and are going to Stockton install the temp gauge and get the biggest fan boosted aluminum stacked plate cooler you can buy or be prepared to stop to cool down regularly. If you run over 200° F often during the day get the transmission fluid changed once you get home no matter how short a time since it was last changed.

If anyone has any other questions about JK auto's burning this feel free to email me at tonysrich@optus.net

19-03-10, 01:58 AM
What the heck is your "crazy nuts switch"?

19-03-10, 03:26 AM

Steve F
19-03-10, 08:47 AM
Tony great tips on sand driving and all stuff we'd typically quickly cover off for those that haven't driven on sand before we hit the beach :)

The only bit I dont agree with is the hard and fast rule of running in high range. A safe speed on stockton beach is pretty low with all the other vehicles around and people popping over the dunes all over the place. Sure a run down the main beach I'd put it in high and run at around 40kmh (speed limit on Stockton is 50kmh) but in the dunes this isn't really feasible a lot of the time with sudden drop offs and steps etc and too keep my jeep from overheating I run in low, the maximum speed is the same as if I was running in high but the engine is turning faster and struggling less so it stays cooler. Also with the increase in tyre size a lot of us have and the light weight of the Jeeps speed is not as important, it's not like its an old land rover running 6.5" wide tyres etc ;) Sooooooo, in my opionion, there is no hard and fast rule of just run it in high gear selection, sand is like any terrain, pick the one that suits the speed and allows the engine to struggle the least. As an aside when it's time to hit the big dunes for some fun I do put it in high and get as much speed as reasonable and typically the old XJ will sail over the top no problems :)


19-03-10, 07:18 PM
I gotta go renew my yearly pass in March. So I may as well go on this gig too. Put me down with a couple of guests thanks.


19-03-10, 07:22 PM
Drive on sand = plenty of right boot. Actually, same applies driving anywhere..........hahahaha, good advice up there TonyR, looking forward to catching up again soon mate. Been some changes around here lately....


19-03-10, 09:01 PM
I Have to agree with what Tony mostly said and slightly disagree with stevef.
I've been on Stockton many times with a variety of vehicles, mostly stock and even soft-roaders who don't have low range and even was professionally trained on my fist attempt years ago. We were advised there is no real advantage and no need in using high range on sand. It's low tyre pressures, momentum, approach dunes straight and back down straight, use as little brake as possible and finally whenever you wish to stop make sure you are pointing down the hill to assist starting. It's impossible to start while pointing up a dune- no matter what you drive (for 99% of 4wds any;Dway ), Quite simple and easy to understand and you won't have trouble;D

Steve F
19-03-10, 09:26 PM
Guys, my comment was I run the same speed in low on stockton as I would in high with much less load on the Jeep and no overheating, maybe it's only us XJ owners that know the importance of keeping the temps down and not pushing the Jeep hard in sand, if you can do it in low then why not?? Each vehivle is different, a modern softroader will have a much better cooling system than an XJ which has a system barely suitable for Aussie conditions. Anyway, no matter what you guys say I know my Jeep and a lot of XJ's WILL have overheating issues if run in high on Stockton ;) The rest of the stuff I agree with 100% just not in running my Jeep (and most XJ's) in high on the sand.... Unless of course it's somewhere liker Fraser (where I've been 4 times now) with a high speed limit and hard packed sand. Anyway, the trip up to Stockton will be the tell all ;)


19-03-10, 09:51 PM
I gotta go renew my yearly pass in March. So I may as well go on this gig too. Put me down with a couple of guests thanks.

Craig how many guest vehicles?

20-03-10, 08:48 AM
Guys, my comment was I run the same speed in low on stockton as I would in high with much less load on the Jeep and no overheating, maybe it's only us XJ owners that know the importance of keeping the temps down and not pushing the Jeep hard in sand, if you can do it in low then why not?? Each vehivle is different, a modern softroader will have a much better cooling system than an XJ which has a system barely suitable for Aussie conditions. Anyway, no matter what you guys say I know my Jeep and a lot of XJ's WILL have overheating issues if run in high on Stockton ;) The rest of the stuff I agree with 100% just not in running my Jeep (and most XJ's) in high on the sand.... Unless of course it's somewhere liker Fraser (where I've been 4 times now) with a high speed limit and hard packed sand. Anyway, the trip up to Stockton will be the tell all ;)


Point taken Steve

21-03-10, 12:57 PM
Hau Hunno,
Two vehicles. One Prado and one new Navarra ute. I will probably have family with me in my Wrangler. My access pass is actually due on the 20th of April (thats Hitlers birthday from memory!). I might take a run up there before that date and get it renewed, maybe at Easter.


26-04-10, 10:43 AM
Bump back to top of forum........... Won't be long before we are there!!

Steve F
26-04-10, 10:55 PM
Looks like I'm out, my Jeep will be in pieces still getting upgrades done :)


27-04-10, 03:39 PM
Sorry guys, i'm out too....... Helping the "foooockers" next weekend.

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_4.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxpt442YYAU)

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb098&pp=ZNxpt442YYAU (http://www.smileycentral.com/dl/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb098_ZNxpt442YYAU&utm_id=7926)

28-04-10, 09:38 PM
I'm out.


29-04-10, 11:47 AM
Hi, as long as the jeep is back from ARB getting the long range tank fitted we will be there. Unfortunately our guests in the JK are not able to attend.

29-04-10, 02:54 PM
The way things are It's going to a massive effort to be up & running with some reliability for me to make it next weekend as well but sure dam going to try.
if everything goes to plain should have a new engine in & running Sunday night

02-05-10, 11:07 AM
Hunno, Im afraid I wont be able to make it.. =(
Work came up and I can't get rid of it...
My first run to stockton awaits!


02-05-10, 03:59 PM
i have some bad news,

i have a music festival to go to which i forgot about. I wont be able to come :(

02-05-10, 06:30 PM
Well who is leading this trip and is it an official club trip?
I suppose Any one can lead as you cannot get lost,,,, , you're pinned by the bush on one side and the sea by the other. hahah

and there are not any real tracks as such except the entry and exist.

so is the first post still valid>

03-05-10, 10:16 AM
Well as Steve F has pulled out, he was going to lead. I'm happy to do the paper work but have not been to Stockton in 15 years & with the No.s that are attending we many have to run 2 groups we can organise this Saturday morning while everyone is getting their permits.
It's been a mammoth effort on the Weekend not only to change the engine, but finding out the gearbox was split from bell housing back as well. Ever tried to source parts on a Sunday when all the wreckers are closed - Thanks Steve T again.
So finances permitting See you all Saturday Bright & early.
Remember if you want Macca's get there even earlier. Twin Servo's Tuggerah (link to meeting point attached in 1st post.)

Steve F
03-05-10, 10:36 AM
Chris has been there plenty of times (Cpage66) so may be able to help leading a group. My gearbox is leaking oil pretty heavily and the rebuild kit turned up today but there's no way it'll be out and back in for Saturday :(


03-05-10, 11:14 AM
I want to make some smart-aleck response, but after yesterday's effort it just doesn't seem fit.
I'm sure there will be enough people there to do what we need.
Good luck,

ps I've got spare gearbox if you need parts for an auto just housing NFG.

Steve F
03-05-10, 11:20 AM
I want to make some smart-aleck response, but after yesterday's effort it just doesn't seem fit.
I'm sure there will be enough people there to do what we need.
Good luck,

ps I've got spare gearbox if you need parts for an auto just housing NFG.

I might take you up on that, while mine is out I'll check the clutch bands etc along with the torque converter but I'm pretty sure all is good, it drives just fine just leaks straight on to the exhaust and stinks up the Jeep with smoke.


03-05-10, 01:06 PM
I might take you up on that, while mine is out I'll check the clutch bands etc along with the torque converter but I'm pretty sure all is good, it drives just fine just leaks straight on to the exhaust and stinks up the Jeep with smoke.


Isn't that how Tony's rig burnt on Stockton. Auto trans Fluid over flowing onto the exhaust(be it from the dip stick never the less).

Steve F
03-05-10, 02:05 PM
Isn't that how Tony's rig burnt on Stockton. Auto trans Fluid over flowing onto the exhaust(be it from the dip stick never the less).

Possibly, but it must have been a lot worse/hotter than mine, mine drips and the drip smokes off straight away. It just gets stinky after a while of it. I'm guessing Tonys must have pumped a fair bit out for it to catch fire.


03-05-10, 03:37 PM
Hi guys

I am planning a little holiday with family at Nelsons Bay, so will see you guys at the Lavis Lane entrance. Can you please let me know roughly what time to see u there.


04-05-10, 03:17 PM
Hi Guys,

Ive been putting final touches to a camper trailer Im building which is why I havent been on many trips or late, that and until recently looking for another job which I finally found one last week.
But as a result of the trailer I finally painted it last weekend and wiring this week and need to get it registered this coming Saturday so looks like Im out of another trip but will be back in action soon and back driving my Jeep the way I like, in 4WD.



04-05-10, 09:23 PM
Possibly, but it must have been a lot worse/hotter than mine, mine drips and the drip smokes off straight away. It just gets stinky after a while of it. I'm guessing Tonys must have pumped a fair bit out for it to catch fire.


The problem with mine wasn't just that the auto trans fluid (ATF) leaked but the heat of the ATF when it did. ATF needs to be up around 400 degrees F to ignite and keep burning. The normal operating temp for ATF is around 180 to 190 so a leak isn't a problem in itself but the ESP system in the JK tends to be over active in the sand which can easily get the ATF up to 400 and higher. I suspect that in my case the ATF got to around 600, the boiling point of ATF which caused it to boil out of the dip stick tube and the transmision breather. My advice to ALL auto JK owners is to get a decent auto trans temp gauge fitted before doing any prolonged sand driving.

Steve F
04-05-10, 09:39 PM
The problem with mine wasn't just that the auto trans fluid (ATF) leaked but the heat of the ATF when it did. ATF needs to be up around 400 degrees F to ignite and keep burning. The normal operating temp for ATF is around 180 to 190 so a leak isn't a problem in itself but the ESP system in the JK tends to be over active in the sand which can easily get the ATF up to 400 and higher. I suspect that in my case the ATF got to around 600, the boiling point of ATF which caused it to boil out of the dip stick tube and the transmision breather. My advice to ALL auto JK owners is to get a decent auto trans temp gauge fitted before doing any prolonged sand driving.

Not to get off topic but I'm also fitting a temp gauge for the auto while it is out.


04-05-10, 09:54 PM
back on topic: I'm out for this trip.

Have fun! :)

05-05-10, 08:57 AM
Im out for this trip to.

05-05-10, 05:15 PM
Put me down for the drop out too, unfortunately at this time making money by working is preferable to spending money on petrol!

05-05-10, 11:38 PM
Hi everyone

Sadly we are out too - Adam will be working to try to pay off some mods we are trying to do before the Simpson trip. Have an awesome time and we hope to make the next Stockton run!



06-05-10, 12:10 PM
Chris I would like to come and will see you at Lavis Lane about 8;30

06-05-10, 06:59 PM
Apologies folks...have not had a chance this week to get the rear diff done...I'm out.

06-05-10, 08:10 PM
Who's going this Saturday?? Where to meet in Sydney for convoy to meeting point at Jilliby by 7.30a.m?? Killer time to meet Chris for folks coming up from Sydney, at least 1.5 to 2 hours travel from Sydney......
I won't be there by 7.30 a.m, just can not do sorry.
Suggested meeting point in Sydney for convoy up the F3( for those unable to make the earlier meet time at Jilliby at 7.30a.m),
Meet -- The old toll/weight station on the Pacific Highway, Berowra,
Time -- 7.00a.m, Depart -- 7.15a.m.
Those going up earlier could also use this area as a meeting point to convoy up to Stockton.................
Stephen T.

07-05-10, 12:56 AM
Who's going this Saturday?? Where to meet in Sydney for convoy to meeting point at Jilliby by 7.30a.m?? Killer time to meet Chris for folks coming up from Sydney, at least 1.5 to 2 hours travel from Sydney......
I won't be there by 7.30 a.m, just can not do sorry.
Suggested meeting point in Sydney for convoy up the F3( for those unable to make the earlier meet time at Jilliby at 7.30a.m),
Meet -- The old toll/weight station on the Pacific Highway, Berowra,
Time -- 7.00a.m, Depart -- 7.15a.m.
Those going up earlier could also use this area as a meeting point to convoy up to Stockton.................
Stephen T.

Now im considering going to this festival after stockton, because its in maitland.

I dont have a permit for stockton, would we stop by and get them somewhere? I missed that information in this thread.

Ill make my mind up tomorrow,


07-05-10, 06:13 AM
I dont have a permit for stockton, would we stop by and get them somewhere? I missed that information in this thread.

Permits are obtained from the service station on Lavis Lane (road into Stockton Beach)

07-05-10, 09:48 AM
Ill be at the old toll gate.

I wish others could be a bit clearer on their intentions so we all know if we need to wait or move on. Perhaps a final yes/no by all the day before a trip would be most helpful I think.

07-05-10, 03:06 PM
Hi Hunno

Please count Aaron Brown out he decided not to come.


07-05-10, 08:30 PM
I'm out, Ive doubled booked myself in the morning. Might try find you all out there later around lunch time.


07-05-10, 08:57 PM
Hi Mate
My JK has a stuffed big end bearing / stuffed conrod crank - blah blah blah -anyway it $hi# itself so its now at the worlds best dealership getting a new engine (under warranty - thank God) for a week so sadly Im OUT
for the stockton run :( not happy Jan!!!!!! - hope you guyz have a great time
be careful there are so many idiots driving way to fast there on the weekends - make sure the lead car has a big high flag -so you can bee seen b4 you get landed on climbing blind dunes, don't drive on the wet sand its salt city and will rust your car in less than 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!
lastly if anyone becomes immobilised on the beach i recommend using 3 jeeps to tow 1 disabled 1 out - nose to tail with snatch straps - 3 jeeps because the first jeep in line will be descending a dune b4 the last jeep (the disabled 1) will need towing up the dune! - see video below


cheers Hunty

07-05-10, 09:56 PM
I have to Stop in at Berowra to pick up my compressor & recovery gear so I will be passing the old toll gates around 0700hrs myself. The idea of 0730 start is from what I've seen of club trips we never get away where near the time plained. By the time everyone gets there, signs in, there is still an hour travel to Stockon from there putting at least 0900hrs then everyone has to get permits air down blah, blah, blah it will be about 1030hrs by the time we start on the sand. I rather be there early & have the best part of the day to play, recover & play some more.

07-05-10, 10:06 PM
Hi Mate
My JK has a stuffed big end bearing / stuffed conrod crank - blah blah blah -anyway it $hi# itself so its now at the worlds best dealership getting a new engine (under warranty - thank God) for a week so sadly Im OUT
for the stockton run :( not happy Jan!!!!!! - hope you guyz have a great time
be careful there are so many idiots driving way to fast there on the weekends - make sure the lead car has a big high flag -so you can bee seen b4 you get landed on climbing blind dunes, don't drive on the wet sand its salt city and will rust your car in less than 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!
lastly if anyone becomes immobilised on the beach i recommend using 3 jeeps to tow 1 disabled 1 out - nose to tail with snatch straps - 3 jeeps because the first jeep in line will be descending a dune b4 the last jeep (the disabled 1) will need towing up the dune! - see video below


cheers Hunty

Sorry to hear Hunty.
Been there done that. Wait to you see the photo's. I will get them up after the weekend.
At least yours is covered by Warrenty, now thats a God send. After changing my Engine & gear box last weekend, I don't wish that on anybody.
I was very lucky to have some very good mates with a work shop & hoist. One of them joked about having a 99 piece tool kit & still not enough tools. So many different sizes required just pull the motor out. Not like the old Fords & Holdens where you only needed 3 sizes.

07-05-10, 10:07 PM
Hey guys. I am not coming tomorrow.

Have fun!


07-05-10, 10:09 PM
I'm out, Ive doubled booked myself in the morning. Might try find you all out there later around lunch time.


Channel 15 if you make it. Hope to hear from you around lunch.

07-05-10, 10:17 PM
I dont know if you read, but I'm out for this guys.


08-05-10, 12:00 PM
sorry we could not make it Heidi was not well this morning

08-05-10, 08:51 PM
It was good day today with plenty of fun once everyone aired down to 16-12lbs. The sand was quite soft, softer than what I had experienced before but none the less we picked some great lines and hills with plenty of smiles all round,
Unfortunately or rather fortunately we only had 6 cars turn up after a original number of 29 ish interested parties.
Perhaps next time those that misses out will be able to do it again the near future.
No real dramas except for a loose exhaust flange on Steve T's TJ which he was able to fix on the day, Must have been too many airs.
Any way we arrived at Lavis Lane Servo to get out pemits and continued on to the beach around 10.am. We hunted for the steep hills and found many that challenged us all. Mani especially revelled in his Jeeps ability and so did I, Nothing like a V8 in the sand!!!
The day was brilliant with perfect weather, Full sun and just a hint of a breeze (to keep those JK;s from over heating...)
At one time we were approached by the rangers. At first I thought they were just checking permits but it was more than that. Apparently we had ventured on to the private property section of the beach. I never knew there was private section and no else knew either. Any way they explained where we were and what and where we could go etc. In actual fact they were very friendly and asked us some general q's and we were naturally happy to comply. A bit has changed and should be made aware to others. Apparently any club run trip must get permission to access the beach if run as a club outing yet as non clubbers you do not need this extra permission. Weird eh?
Any way it enjoyed by all and all 6 players had a great time.

I and 2 others left for home around 2:30pm while the other 3 guys had not had enough and kept going till.....I do not know.
Thanks to all for a great day out.
ps Hunno had 2 ring ins in Tojos who's names escape me.

08-05-10, 09:44 PM
Mani, Ben & myself continued on up the beach & attempted a couple more hills, then Mani had to head back too. Leaving Ben & I to conquer the dunes - which we did for the next 2 hours. Which ended up being my favourate part of the day. Working the back dunes finding new lines & hugh climbs as there was very little tracks to follow as they had almost blown away.

10-05-10, 12:58 AM
A bit has changed and should be made aware to others. Apparently any club run trip must get permission to access the beach if run as a club outing yet as non clubbers you do not need this extra permission. Weird eh?/QUOTE]
we have asked the assoc to clarify this as have not heard it before. there have only been resrictions on camping conditions and numbers in group previously

10-05-10, 01:07 AM
A bit has changed and should be made aware to others. Apparently any club run trip must get permission to access the beach if run as a club outing yet as non clubbers you do not need this extra permission. Weird eh?/QUOTE]
we have asked the assoc to clarify this as have not heard it before. there have only been resrictions on camping conditions and numbers in group previously
The rangers advised there is a $20 booking fee with it but you can book as many trips as you like in the one booking.
Also the max. No of vehicles is 40.

10-05-10, 06:11 AM
Chris check your PM's please thanks :)

10-05-10, 12:47 PM
Thanks Hunno for a great day

WOW what great fun it was My wife , daughter and my friends really enjoyed it.

I was struggling in 4 Hi and 15 Psi. As soon as I went down to 12 Psi and 4Lo it all suddenly changed. the Jeep was skimming across the sand and not trying to dig in. Thanks Steve F for the Idea of driving in 4Lo. Last time I drove on the beach I was disappointed with the Jeep, But this time it was a totally different ballgame. We came across some big dunes (at least from my perspective) the Jeep just flew up them. Thanks Chris (Hunno) for running the trip. I took only a few pics before my camera decided to die, I will upload them in a couple of days.

When the Toyota got stuck on the first climb my 3 year old cried from the back seat "look daddy another Toyota stuck" and we all laughed our heads off.

Cant wait till the next time.


10-05-10, 01:25 PM
Chris check your PM's please thanks :)

Done Scott, Sory for the delay I had to work.

10-05-10, 04:34 PM
Thanks Hunno for a great day

I was struggling in 4 Hi and 15 Psi. As soon as I went down to 12 Psi and 4Lo it all suddenly changed. the Jeep was skimming across the sand and not trying to dig in. Thanks Steve F for the Idea of driving in 4Lo.

The soft sand of Stockton really does favour low range and low pressures, as opposed to other more firmly packed beaches ie Fraser (so I'm told)

10-05-10, 08:21 PM
What 4wd......I did it all in 2wd!

11-05-10, 12:12 PM
The assocation was wondering if there where any more details re the conservation with the ranger? feel free to PM if you prefer.

11-05-10, 01:30 PM
They said we could find the info on the NP website. As it is a club activity it comes under there Adventures Activity Clause.

14-05-10, 12:19 PM
I have raised this with the assocation. I am very unhappy with the outcome todate as I do not believe we should have to book and pay a fee for groups


I will also bring this up at the qtrly tommorrow.


Steve F
14-05-10, 01:02 PM
Another grab for cash from someone. I've posted my thoughts on the associations forum.
