View Full Version : Jump On It

19-10-10, 06:00 PM
Hi Guys,

As some of you may know I have had a couple of jobs this year (just not finding the right one), 2UE was good but too corporate, 4WD Action was great but the boss was a %^&$....>:( Just ask Marcus.
So that brings me to this post, my new role is Sales Manager for Jump On It we are a deal a day site and has great deals everyday.

Not trying to sell you guys anything but you should register your email and get the deals each day, something always good coming up whether to help with groceries, entertainment, hair and beauty or going out for some food and fun something for everyone.

Is mainly focused at the girls but Im trying to get some good stuff for the blokes as well.

Check it out :o


19-10-10, 06:05 PM
congrats mate, try getting jeep parts on there :P

19-10-10, 06:14 PM
congrats mate, try getting jeep parts on there :P

Cheers mate, will do my best but they dont like giving a minimum 50% discount but a have a mechanic on board for $280 of servicing for $49 at Narrabean soon as look out for that.

19-10-10, 06:25 PM
Some Jeep Parts Departments (Ahmmm, Peter Warren to be exact) have been trying to sell Jeep parts and accessories on ebay, things like Jeep roof baskets, etc, and down at Jambo the Mopar booth was floggng off all sorts of things that seem to be slow to move (at their retail prices I would not doubt it). Might be worth a few phone calls to them to see what they could come up with. Good luck.

25-10-10, 10:29 AM
Hey, "jump-on-it" is great. I'll pass it on to others. Thanks.