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View Full Version : Stockton - Saturday 5th March 2011

Steve F
25-02-11, 09:50 PM
So its been a while, thought I'd run a trip up to Stockton. For those that haven't been we'll go see the tank traps, the ship wreck, get stuck in "The Bowl" and have some fun on the dunes in Jeeps and on boogie boards (so bring one if you have one)

Where Stockton beach,
When 05/03/11,
Meet Berowra old toll gates for a 7:30am departure arriving at Lavis Lane for 9:30am,

Google Map Berowra meeting location HERE (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=&daddr=Unknown+road&hl=en&geocode=FfQg__0d44ACCQ&mra=mr&sll=-33.624197,151.151026&sspn=0.001977,0.004128&ie=UTF8&ll=-33.61151,151.159011&spn=0.000984,0.002064&t=h&z=20)

Time 7:30am departure
Grade C and up,
Requirements -- recovery points Front/Rear, recovery gear, radio, food/drink of choice, camera.

This run is limited to 20 vehicles including leader although if there are a lot wanting to go we can easily split the group up.
Further info contact Steve (Steve F) on 0411 688 057


1. Steve F
2. Skizzi
3. Sandy + Visitor
4. Memfis
5. Martin
6. GP
8. Jbrad


25-02-11, 10:28 PM
I am in for this one Steve.

25-02-11, 11:50 PM
Jax and I are in too
sounds like a good day out wheelin!
thanx Steve
cheers Hunty

26-02-11, 04:28 AM
Yes please...

26-02-11, 04:39 AM
Ok count me in, I'll bring the mt walker pics with me

26-02-11, 08:31 AM
Steve I am in and can you please put one visitor aswell.

26-02-11, 11:30 AM
i wood like to go thanks

27-02-11, 02:22 PM
Hi Steve, can you put me down as a "maybe" pls, although i havent rejoined the club yet..
cheers, Martin

Steve F
27-02-11, 06:35 PM
Hi Steve, can you put me down as a "maybe" pls, although i havent rejoined the club yet..
cheers, Martin

Your welcome to come as a visitor if you like anyway :)


27-02-11, 10:35 PM
Ok you twisted my arm.....Again!!!!
If I can organize someone at work to be oncall next weekend might even try and camp overnight.
Cheers jose

28-02-11, 10:01 AM
Just realized I can join online, Steve, so I've done that, cheers.

Steve F
03-03-11, 12:17 AM
Updated the first post with times


03-03-11, 11:23 AM
Gotta work 8am - 1pm Sat - so Jax & I are out D'Oh!!!!!
have fun - keep safe - get lots of good pix
cheers Hunty

if I can get away earlier I try and catch you all up there!

03-03-11, 09:19 PM
Sorry guys.... I have had the worst week in a long time. Am so tired that I will definitely bs sleeping in on saturday . I'm out...... My girls are not happy with me. Might do a short run to yalwal on Sunday to keep'm happy... have a great day guys

04-03-11, 09:11 AM
Ok, coming for sure. Are the old tollgates just before the highway hits the freeway, opposite that fire brigade building?

Steve F
04-03-11, 10:17 AM
Yep, that's the spot. I'll put up a googlemaps link later today for those that don't know it.


04-03-11, 10:19 AM
Steve, Sorry mate i have to bail out on this. My wife has to work. That means i have my daughter to drive to Skating for the morning. Been looking forward to Stockton for ages. looks like another time now.

04-03-11, 12:33 PM
:Ok, great. What time do you usually get back approx?

Better bring my thongs in case the heap overheats..;D

Steve F
04-03-11, 01:07 PM
:Ok, great. What time do you usually get back approx?

Better bring my thongs in case the heap overheats..;D

I plan to head back around 3:00pm, I still have that thong picture :)



04-03-11, 07:25 PM
Hi I will meet you up at lavis lane if that is ok thanks mick

Steve F
04-03-11, 07:51 PM
No problem

For those meeting at Berowra I've added a google maps link in the first post


04-03-11, 09:35 PM
Hey Steve, I'm in. Complete with wife and two kids. The jeep will be weighed down just a bit. I'll meet you at Berowa. Thanks for putting up a map link, that helps heaps. Does anyone have some witches hats - it might be an opportunity to give my daughter a driving lesson in big open spaces where she can't hit anything solid.

See you in the morning - Jason

Steve F
04-03-11, 10:45 PM
Hey Steve, I'm in. Complete with wife and two kids. The jeep will be weighed down just a bit. I'll meet you at Berowa. Thanks for putting up a map link, that helps heaps. Does anyone have some witches hats - it might be an opportunity to give my daughter a driving lesson in big open spaces where she can't hit anything solid.

See you in the morning - Jason

Cool, My 3 kids are coming with me, my wife gets the day off to relax ;)


05-03-11, 02:01 PM
I'd like to attend with my boys

05-03-11, 02:59 PM
I'd like to attend with my boys

Thats today Wolfe I think you might of missed this one.

Steve F
05-03-11, 05:38 PM
It was a great family day, more kids than adults on this one, a quick count off the top of my head 13 kids and maybe 10 adults. Did the usual down to the Ship wreck and then played on the dunes along the back of the beach, once we found a good spot we stopped for a while why the kids (and some of the adults) went down the dunes on the boogie boards. Then some more dune driving up to the Silver City for lunch, which was very civilized with a big shade shelter, some sun and protection from the wind. Some more playing in the dunes, the rescue of an old landcruiser that had dropped into a a nice hole that had blown around some scrub, is was pretty much on its side.

Of course I got no pics but I know plenty of others did, looking forward to seeing them :)


06-03-11, 02:53 PM
Yep just realised

08-03-11, 07:43 AM
Pics please.........pretty please

09-03-11, 09:51 PM
I' trying to upload a couple of photos however I'm severley handicapped when it comes to websites and pictures. I thought I had uploaded four, and they all seem to have disappeared. Try again.

09-03-11, 10:02 PM
Pic above is Silver City at the Northern end of Stockton Beach. The other photos are too large to upload. It appears that anything over 2 MB is too big.

Steve F
09-03-11, 10:10 PM
Sent you a PM, email them to me if you want and I'll stick them up. Or you can get a photobucket account, put them up there and link to them.


09-03-11, 10:50 PM
Gone with photobbucket. Let me know what you all think. Not a lot of action shots, I've got some really bad video footage which I will crop and try to link it as well.


Steve F
09-03-11, 11:04 PM
Nice pics


This was our lunch spot, the shelter really helped :)



10-03-11, 12:51 AM
Nice. Wish I got my drive shaft in in time so I could have gone with you all.

12-03-11, 03:15 PM
A couple of mine from the iphone.

Thanks for leading the trip, Steve..

Steve F
19-03-11, 11:15 AM
Did anyone take any pictures of the Toyota that we recovered and the recovery?
