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View Full Version : The Ultimate Accessory

05-03-11, 09:58 PM
You’ve got to admit it, there are some pretty tricks Jeeps in the SJC. Big lifts, monster tyres and all manor of trick suspension and other unattainable gear from the States.

But I have acquired the ultimate piece of high performance equipment that enhances every aspect of my car to make it the ultimate 4WD and making all other rigs look pale by comparison.


Fluffy Dice

05-03-11, 10:15 PM
they look like the Mopar ones…..NICE!

06-03-11, 12:16 AM
And the "boy's in blue" will love you for them when they cann't ping you for anything else..???...:o.:(...O0......:)........:).....
A little more "fluffie" maybe to match the beard?......;D..........:)..........

06-03-11, 08:06 AM
So probaly now u have a couple more inches of wheel travel, also improves raod handling.... ;) ........

07-03-11, 11:16 AM
do these affect warranty? does quadratec sell em? do i have to pay tax if i ship them myself?
