View Full Version : Cleaning mud form radiator

27-12-11, 10:45 PM
:shame: After entering an extremely thick sludgy black mud hole, and emerging safely from the other side my radiator is chockers with mud and crap.

Question? What is the best and safest way to clean it out (mud in the fins, not internaly)?



27-12-11, 10:58 PM
Couldn't you use a gernie through the radiator?

27-12-11, 11:03 PM
Yes however it will damage the fins, and once flat they are stuffed.

Cheers anyway Mate

Andy :pirate:

27-12-11, 11:23 PM
Ahhh. that explains.... :D
I learn something new everyday.

27-12-11, 11:25 PM
For the radiator I use the garden hose on a spray setting, not enough pressure to bend the fins. takes along while to soften the mud if you have driven any distance with it in the radiator as it tends to bake on.

27-12-11, 11:43 PM
Spray good old WD40 on, well of course, leave for a while to soak through, gently as stated, garden hose out, or just blast the S..T out it at the car wash............... Better still, talk the other half into doing it so if something goes wrong, Her fault, easy repair then..............Lol................

28-12-11, 01:39 AM
Use CLR as directed.
made cleaning the dirt bikes a breeze

28-12-11, 02:43 PM
Use wheel cleaner. It actually disolves dirt

28-12-11, 09:18 PM
Pull the radiator out and coat it with ct-18 truck wash. Let it sit for atleast an hour then hose it off from the engine side of the radiator.... Don't do it the same direction as the airflow as it will push more mud through it.

28-12-11, 09:20 PM
Go around the hole like i did:joyous:

29-12-11, 12:03 AM
Thanks for all the good idea guys! Managed to clean most of it out slowly with a garden hose, after removing front grill.

Stevet, Charlene says she's not that stupid! And you're DEAD!! (LOL)

Mat (jeep_112) You wimp!:pirate:


Andy & Charlene

29-12-11, 01:10 AM
I shaved and hour or two off cleaning my car, by avoiding that black mud :D

29-12-11, 02:00 AM
Thanks for all the good idea guys! Managed to clean most of it out slowly with a garden hose, after removing front grill.

Stevet, Charlene says she's not that stupid! And you're DEAD!! (LOL)

Mat (jeep_112) You wimp!:pirate:


Andy & Charlene
Thank's I think, and you let Charlene read it ummmmm.......Need a word of warning... Does Charlene have her own car to get around or do I just need to keep a closer eye out for any red JK's as I toddle across the road.............. Then again, it may speed things up alittle/ALOT.............Lol...............

29-12-11, 07:47 AM
Once the radiator is clean - use some baby oil in a squirt bottle to occassionally mist the fins.
And especially before a run that might have mud - makes any cleanup MUCH easier.