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View Full Version : Tindog Working Bee - 16/17th September

17-08-06, 02:33 PM
,Hi guys,

The zook club, AWD club and ourselves have organised a working bee on the property we lease for the 16th and 17th September.

As an incentive each of the clubs will be paying for a BBQ on the Saturday night. A member of the Suzuki club is rumoured to cook excellent ribs and will be doing so for us all.

We need indication of numbers as soon as possible for planning purposes. Please chip in and help maintain the property we share.

Here's a basic list of things we'll be doing.

i) Dig a big hole, and empty the loo contents into it, and bury it

ii) Rearrange batteries in solar shed and perform rewiring. Label
switches and write notes for power use.

iii) Clearing with lawn mowers and whipper snippers

iv) Have Cambell use his grader to clear some flat land, make more
camping space, as well to doing any other work we want done, make a
track or two, driver traing course

v) Erect gate at top of track into property

vi) Mark easy trail from Creek Crossing to Pig Trap with coloured
reflectors to help guide members coming into property at night not
familar with tracks. As well relabel as many tracks as possible in
general, since alot are not marked well or not at all.

We'll also be preparing for a hazard reduction burn in the area which we will be carrying out shortly after the working bee.

I'm planning to go there in the WJ to pitch in and help plan for future modifications.

17-08-06, 08:53 PM
Sounds good...

18-08-06, 08:24 AM
Would love to go & help - but not possible at that time :(

28-08-06, 07:17 AM
i am in :)

28-08-06, 07:29 AM
i will see if i can convince one of my friends to donate free labour for a good cause :lol:

Steve F
01-09-06, 11:11 PM
So anymore takers? I'm in.


02-09-06, 07:12 PM
Depends on work commitments and money

04-09-06, 10:12 AM
Sorry, got the family up from Melb for the weekend so can't make it. :(

07-09-06, 04:58 PM
AT this stage Iam unable to attend. Still trying to swing my day's off :?

10-09-06, 05:42 PM
So, how many are in (The more the merrier!!!!!!!!!!) and where do we want to meet and all that jazz???

Steve F
10-09-06, 06:22 PM
I'll find out when the Suzuki guys etc are going up and we'll take it from there. Might be an earlier wtart than previously though since there is a fair bit to do up there.

So far there's 3 of us I think. With my wife and kids as well :)


13-09-06, 01:10 PM
any clarification on the meet point and time?

Do we know how many people are going including the suzi club? just wondering if we are going to have space to pitch the tent.

Steve F
13-09-06, 03:48 PM
Ok, some details :)

The Suzuki Club have about 7 going, some are going Friday.

We have 5 people going on Saturday for the weekend (includes partners) + another 3 possibly on the Sunday

The AWD Club also have about 7 going.

We may actually have the most there on Sunday if we include partners :)

There is a dinner on the Saturday night being cooked up by the Suzuki Club at $5 a head. The club is paying for those members that have signed up to go already but we wont be covering partners or kids (keeps it fair) bring $5 if you wife etc is coming along.

The Blue Room is available and I've told them that Chris and Pela will be in there so they have allowed space for them along with some suzuki and AWD guys. I also said that I would be camping along with Warren (I just assumed:) )

If possible bring tools, whipper snipper, brush cutter, shovel, mattock etc, anything you think might be usefull.

I think we should head up there a little earlier than usual, seeing as I have the least distance to go what suits the rest?


13-09-06, 05:36 PM
I think Pela wants to get the tent out this time... :roll:

13-09-06, 11:45 PM
don't care what time :)

15-09-06, 12:47 AM
Hi folks.
I managed to get Sunday off. See you all early sunday a.m.
Anyone else heading up on Sunday?Want to meet to travel up there( I need someone to hassle if I get lost on the way!! ) :lol:

15-09-06, 08:18 AM
excellent steve!

See you there (sorry i am going up sat morning) :)

Steve F
15-09-06, 09:28 AM
excellent steve!

See you there (sorry i am going up sat morning) :)

Warren, check your PM for meeting time and place :)


15-09-06, 09:26 PM
Anybody heading up on Sunday morning, or, want a ride up there :?:
Post up a reply or send a pm :)

18-09-06, 03:17 PM
So did no one return? The rivers rise and everyone get trapped? How did it go?

Steve F
18-09-06, 03:51 PM
It went pretty well, the Suzuki guys went up on Friday and really ripped into the campsite. We now have about 10 more campsite and some old animal pens that were taking up good flat ground are now gone. The power is all tidied up and no longer does the water pump trip the invertor. All in all it's looking good. But the best thing is our new gate posts :) Holes dug but SJC, tree cut by Campbell and posts positioned by SJC, Cambell and Tim from the zook club. Next time I plan to carve something into it and leave our mark.

To get some perspective the posts are 8' tall and 14" across :) the holes are close to 3' deep each. They are tall enough to put a beam across the top and still drive under :) The gate will go on as soon as Cambell has the hinges.


We also made a little fire and drank some bourbon :)


And then made a bigger fire (just to get rid of the rubbish I promise)


All up a fun weekend with not too much work, we managed to fit in a small drive with the other two clubs and had a good chat around the fire with some jokes and swapping of details on the tracks around the place.

I'd like to thank Chris C (Cpage66), Warren(ARB97U), Bec (my Wife) and Steve T (Stevet) for all pitching in where they could and helping make it a worthwhile weekend.


18-09-06, 03:57 PM
Thanks for your efforts guys.

18-09-06, 08:05 PM
"Wokka wokka WOW"