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View Full Version : Observation run 1st April

Steve F
08-03-07, 11:10 PM
Mick and Jumbo have organised an Observation run for the club. This involves following directions and answering clues while taking in some great scenery around the Colo area followed with a lunch at Upper Colo Reserve.

The Observation run starts at Upper Colo Reserve meeting at 8:30am on the 1st of April and finishes around lunch time at the same place where we'll have some food while the results are collated and the winner announced :)

Please let us know ASAP if you can or cannot make it, it should be a great day with some nice driving and a casual lunch (BYO everything) suitable for all Jeeps and all the family with minimal to none (I dont know the route) 4WDing. So come and pit your observation skills against the rest of the club. We look forward to seeing you there.

Map to the reserve


And a Google map so you can zoom out and work out how to get there.



11-03-07, 11:25 PM
That's it in a nut shell Steve. It is basically 2wd dirt,gravel and tar mix unless it's wet, you won't need 4wd, but you will definately need to have your lateral thiking caps on as some of the questions will be tough. We are expecting the last vehicle to arrive back at the campsite by about 1:30 pm.

If everyone who is coming along can post on this thread or drop me an email jumbo01@optusnet.com.au it will help ensure we get enough pace notes printed out.

Cheers Jumbo

19-03-07, 11:43 AM
So who is coming along to this ... hopefully Mark and I can make it (we can do a pre-celebration of his birthday which is the 2nd April ... and its a big one!!). The last time Mick and Jumbo ran an observation rally, it was heaps of fun ... the more people the more fun!

19-03-07, 07:42 PM
OK I'm in
so long as I can find my way there :D

19-03-07, 10:59 PM
I've been getting a few questions on how to get to the camp ground and how far away it is so here is a bit more info for you all.. BJ you won't have a problem with these directions.. :)

It is approx 30km from Windsor bridge. Follow Putty road out for 15 km then just before Colo River bridge turn left onto Upper Colo road follow this along the river for approx 14 km and turn right(this is the only RH turn on this road) cross the wooden bridge travel approx 100m and turn sharp left there is a sign post saying Upper Colo reserve keep to the main trail and you will run straight into the camping area.If you need a map have a look @ the links Stevef has put up.

The camping area has toilets including showers(cold only) and a BBQ.Camp sites are available if anyone wants to make a weekend of it ( bookings on 02 4560 4528).Mick and myself will be out there early Sat morning on the 31/3/07 setting up.

I'll be away with no computer access fron Thurs 15th and won't be able to get to your emails till Mon the 19th.

Cheers Jumbo

27-03-07, 10:31 PM
See you guys there...

29-03-07, 07:58 PM
No problems,will see you all out there.I'll probally be heading out friday night if I can get off work early enough.It will be on regardless of the weather,so if it looks a little over cast bring ya driza-bone.. :D

31-03-07, 08:57 PM
We'll be there

Steve F
01-04-07, 06:12 PM
Great day, great event, great drive. Me and Bec really enjoyed it after the arguments about how fast I should drive settled down (we swapped seats ;) )

Congrats to Mark and Lyn for winning the event, andBerniw for eventually making it back after 4 hours ;) Look forward to seeing the pics.


01-04-07, 08:40 PM
It was great fun, we're up for the next one for sure! Thanks to Mick and Jumbo for preparing the rally and congratulations to Mark and Lyn!

01-04-07, 09:10 PM
Getting up at 6am on a sunday seemed liked a crazy thing to do ... but at least it was one of those perfect Sydney days ... blue skies and pleasantly warm.

Great rally organised by Mick and Jumbo (I can only imagine how much works goes into driving around measuring distances, figuring out clues, sticking up bonus point markers, etc, etc) ... well done guys and a big Thanks!

The biggest surprise is that Mark and I win ... I'm thinking no way, but seems between us arguing we actually were observant!!

Congrats to Maggie and Martin for taking out 2nd place and Bec and Steve for 3rd.

Next time I hope we see loads more people come along! Maybe we can convince Mick and Jumbo to re-run the observation rally from a about 2-3 yrs ago as I think Mark and I are the only ones in the club who've done it (we improved on our 2nd place at that event!!) ... it was also a great trip, great scenery.

Even mad it home early enough so I could mow the lawns (yes me!).

Now to figure out how to link to my photos!

02-04-07, 08:43 AM
getting my daughter up at 6 on a Sunday was a major achievement for me - who ever heard of an almost 17 year old with their eyes open at 6am but as the morning progressed I realised her eyes were open but there was no one in there :lol:

we didn't find many markers - but we didn't get lost (major achievement for me) I knew I wasn't lost everytime I saw Jumbo in the rear vision mirror catching up as he was collecting the markers behind me - as I was the last to leave. My daughter however had a good time jumping out to read the markers at least for the first half of the run then she got tired 'poor thing'

Lyn I hope you work out how to upload the pictures - I think some of the other guys have put them on jeepimages or youtube
maybe you could email me some if you don't work it out

had a great day
wish we had a prize for last

told you guys I would most likely come in last and I don't really consider writing the trip report a prize


02-04-07, 10:08 AM
BJ I will try and write up a story and get photos to you!

Here are the photos and story at been sent to BJ for the magazine


03-04-07, 08:16 PM
Hope you all had a great time.I know we had fun :roll: :P putting it all together.It would have been nice to see a few more on course maybe nextime. We won't brag about the special order we put in to get an almost perfect day either.. :lol:

Congrats to all the winners and thanks to everyone who came along.

Cheers Jumbo