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View Full Version : Menai Clean-up Saturday 26/05/07

03-05-07, 08:49 PM
For those wanting to attend a clean-up- 8)
Meet- @ Gate No.6, on heathcote Road.
Time- 8.30a.m. to sign in by 9.00a.m.
This is a "C+"/ with "B" grade options.( There are bi-passes around most of the more difficult sections
Bring---- Good gloves, wear decent boots/shoes, food & drink. The clean-up lasts about 2/3hrs, then you can drive the tracks at Menai for rest of the day. Participation at the clean-up gives you 12 months access to the tracks at Menai on "Official" club runs at Menai.
Further info- Stephen Taylor--Mob.-0412-707903

03-05-07, 09:30 PM
I'll be there if it's on, only a 1/2 day as was the plan last time :roll: .

11-05-07, 10:43 PM
I'll be there, then I won't keep missing the fun trips that have been organised lately.

18-05-07, 01:55 PM
we will have to see... but doesn't look good atm as arty has to work

19-05-07, 07:36 PM
I'm not having much luck with getting off road ATM, I have to pull out. :evil:

21-05-07, 09:54 PM
well its my mum's birthday but if I can convince my brothers (and my mum) to celebrate when the sun goes down
I shall be there
did ask my mum if she wanted to come do a clean up for her birthday
for some reason she said NO

can't work some people out :D

22-05-07, 10:27 AM
I'm a maybe, need to check with something else first...

24-05-07, 02:56 PM
So, who of you are coming to the clean-up this Saturday????
Please post up your intent.
Going------ Stephen T.

24-05-07, 04:50 PM
At this point Steve, I'll be there... :P

24-05-07, 10:02 PM
I hope to be there

25-05-07, 07:30 AM
Steve I'm definately there.

I'm sure its on this site somewhere but where is Gate 6, is it the Voyager point end or closer to the CSIRO Nuclear plant?

25-05-07, 03:18 PM
Gate N0.6 is towards Voyager Point end.It is about 500/600 meters east of the "White Rock", the area where you see some m/bike traillers park. Anyway you should spot us on the side of the road at gate 6 where we usually meet up.
See you there 8)

25-05-07, 06:29 PM
Cheers for the info mate

26-05-07, 08:04 AM
Apologies guys...thought we would have the front diff finished in the HEEP but we haven't even started it yet...I'm out.

27-05-07, 12:11 PM
Well ladies and gents I managed to find a weekend that had a cleanup running and I wasn't working.

Menai cleanup attendance allows you to participate in club organised runs thru Menai, and what a gem of a spot it is.

We meet at Gate 6 for the sign on at around 8.30am, there were many different clubs participating so was good to check other rigs. Holding up the SJC flag was SteveT (ZJ), Flatfender (Ford MB), BJ (TJ), Wolfe (XJ) and myself (TJ).

After sign on it was gloves on and rubbish emu bob begin, it didn't take us to long to fill our quota and we were ready to hit the trails.

After airing down and disconnecting were completed we were on the move. SteveT was the leader for the trip with Wolfe bringing up the rear!

Steve took us thru two steps, along this track there was a few good declines to negotiate and a real good incline with a number of routes to take.
I took a centre line which was a little narrower than I first thought, but got thru without any fender damage. From there on the way over to Gate 8 Steve came over the radio stating that he had lost his lockers. We had bit of a stop while Steve and Wolfe tried to work out why the aircompressor wasn't getting power, Steve ended up residing to the fact that it was a no lockers day for him.
We cruised past the Model aero field, pretty sweet looking at model aeros doing stunts and flying in formation. Steve then lead us along gate 8 track, which had a few good gullies and then we came across a ripper of a hill climb. You have goto love Menai for its rocks. Steve had some trouble without lockers and ended up snatching up behind Flatfender after a real good go at it. BJ was next and ended up a bit sideways to the hill for a bit, but with some coatching Steve got her up no worries. I had a crack and almost got up first crack but slipped off a rock that put me in a hole, from there there was a bit of two and frow to get up. Wolfe looked like he was just going to walk up it but ended up getting a bit snagged, but with some rock building and guidance he was up and over. Thru a few more tracks and by this stage we were all getting pretty hungry with repeated calls over the radio to break for lunch.
We m ade our way over to Slippery slide where we had some well earned lunch.
After lunch break we headed down slippery slide making our way towards Prado hill.
At Prado Hill Wolfe tackled it first going up the left/middle and looked like was going to walk all the way up but the final step hooked him, with a bit of guidance was up and over. Next up was Flatfender who took the right hand side using the tree roots for grip, with a small hesitation half way up he made the rest look easy, go the old girl! I was up next and decided to run up the path that Wolfe had taken, which did me well until the top step, with numerous attempts was able to climb up the same spot that Wolfe had used with guidance by Steve, sweet. Next was to come down which Wolfe and I did going a slow as possible down the large steps that dominate Prado Hill. Sorry no pics!

At this stage we were to head back towards 80 Series, however just before slippery slide Wolfe's rear uni straps decided to have bit of a rest adn snapped, no rear drive. Wolfe whipped the Rear driveshaft off and with some snatching up some of the ledges were able get him out.
As it was gettign late and few members required to be home by deadlines it was time to say goodbye to Wolfe.
SteveT, BJ, Flatfenderand myself drove in convoy to the nearest servo to air up and bench race what was just achieved! All had a great day and can't wait to do it again!

My day didn't quite finish there, I jumped onto the M5 to head back into the city and started getting Death wobble when over 70k's, so it was a slow trip back, however that wasn't the end of it, my Whitelin panhard rod decided to let go about 7ks short of home, so it was a very slow and cautious final 7ks, very interesting steering sensations!

27-05-07, 10:09 PM
Great report, wasn't there but it feels like I was.... The white line products were named after the marks across the knuckles that develop from gripping the steering wheel tightly and hoping the panhard stays together.. Ask SteveF :D

01-06-07, 11:59 PM
Hey Ando

some of the pic links don't work
can you email me the pics?????

if possible


that way I can put them in the club mag for next - whoops this month


02-06-07, 12:06 AM
Hey Ando
don't worry
went out of the link and then tried again and got all the pics this time

and thanks for the report

and stevet
didn't you take picutures?????


02-06-07, 09:44 PM

Here's some pic's from last Saturday at Menai. 8) [/url]

03-06-07, 08:50 PM
Good pics Steve and thanks for a good day.