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View Full Version : AGM

04-09-07, 01:37 PM
any news on location or the meeting?

04-09-07, 03:10 PM
Hi All,

The September AGM (Wednesday 5th September) will be held at the Regents Park Bowling Club, Terrene St Regents Park, the main parking is around the back off of Regents Street.

The following link shows a google maps link to the Bowling Club


As usual the meeting will begin at 7:30pm but will incorporate the AGM where the committee roles will be voted on etc. To vote you MUST be a paid up member of the club so if you haven't paid get that out of the way as soon as you get there so you can vote. This meeting is the most important of the year as it sets the tone for the rest of the year so please try and make it along.


04-09-07, 07:11 PM
My apologies, I am stuck in Melb all week.

Brian :(

Steve F
04-09-07, 08:30 PM
Thanks Warren :)
