Next major change is a RockKrawler Long Arm Suspension Kit
AFAIK this is the first installation of one of these kits to a diesel JK, so there will be a few new problems to deal with along the way.
First problem is the installation of the control arm brackets - RK supply two hefty brackets that are bolted to the front of the transmission cross member and then welded to the frame rails - both the upper and lower front control arms attach to these brackets.
This creates a few problems:-
- The LHS bracket conflicts with the exhaust, so that needs to be modified
- The RHS bracket uses the space currently occupied by the fuel filter, so that needs to be moved.
- The bash plate that links the two brackets together doesn't provide enough clearance for the CRD exhaust where it crosses under the transmission.
RHS bracket bolted into place - exhaust system removed

LHS bracket bolted into place - exhaust system removed

Played about with a few options - decided to split the exhaust into two smaller pipes to run under the transmission sump.

Not quite sure that we've left enough clearance for the drive shaft on full droop, but won't be able to tell until the new shocks are on the front.

Still working on the fuel filter, suspect it will end up on the LHS firewall, under the battery tray.