Hi Club,

Just wanted to say Hi and I joined the Jeep Club today. I also made the payment via paypal for members.

I am so excited I finally got my Joy-Toy and I will pick it up on Friday. White & Black Wrangler sport Auto. (Normally I would go manual, but some of my alternate drives can't drive a stick)

I have just loved the Jeep Wrangler from the day I saw it, and it is a car I always wanted to have. I thought I would start out Small in the beginning and see where life is gonna take me. I traded my old 2010 Nissan Turbo Diesel over to the Universe. I did love this Girl Beast, but it was in dire need of some tender loving care.

I have heard some shit comments about the Jeep and some other things like price of parts etc.. At the end of they day you need a car that relates to you and if it makes you happy it is just so worth it!

I did do some 4x4 training ages ago with Nissan club and learned a few things. I did some volenteer work at the Nissan trials ages ago. I felt really bad for my Girl Beast just wasting away. I needed a new car that was smaller and fun.

I am hoping the Jeep club has some fun events that can teach me some skills that can help me get Joy out of my new toy. I kinda would like to do some sand driver training somewhere simple if Boat Harbour is still open for 4x4's.

The Jamboree looks awesome. Do they need any volunteers here? I am really looking forward to making some new friends and meeting new people.

I live down in Sutherland Shire, and I hope to see some of you soon.



If it doesn't make you happy its not worth doing............... ;-)