Hey Peoples...

Sorry I underestimated my manual. Its not 100 pages, but about 300 and none of it in foreign languages.. So I can tear out the bits I don't need..

I read in the manual that you shouldn't have the hard top and the soft top at the same time. I really need to keep the hard top on in winter, and swap over to the soft top in summer...

I am not really sure if they are saying to remove the soft top components that are all kinda folded down like a convertable top in the back, and take the whole lot out.

Or are they saying.. don't put up the soft top and the hard top at the same time... as if.. duh, don't think that would actually be possible.

Mind you I got a few boxes with soft top stuff in it that I haven't even opened yet.

So back to my question..

Should I remove the soft top stuff folded and compressed in my Jeep for safty reasons? (mind you, the 300 page manual comes with over 200 pages of warnings, God only knows how to jumpstart this car)

Or should I scan this page and see if you guys can work it out?

Americans, go figure..

