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Thread: Bendethra - 22nd - 26th January

  1. #31
    Trip Coordinator/Association Delegate Dru's Avatar
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    May 2014



  2. #32
    Club Member Milky's Avatar
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    Nov 2013
    Sutherland Shire


    Looks like Boof (Allabaster) got selected in jury duty today and coz Monday isn't a public holiday we're out :-( have a kick ass trip guys!

    Sent from my GT-I9507 using Tapatalk

  3. #33


    Bendethra is closed - we are still going away though if any one is keen to join us. I will change the meeting point/first night incase rivers are up around dry creek.

  4. #34


    Alternative Plan

    Overnight at Berlang - this is 30mins on the Cooma Rd from Briadwood. Time for a early morning walk to the Big Hole if you feel like it
    Head into the valley via snowball and continue out again via dry creek. Overnight at Dry creek
    Travel to the coast and spend some time driving along the coast towards Wadbilliga NP. A few options for overnight include Mystery Bay, Mimosa Rocks or Wadbillia NP
    Explore Wadbillga Rd in the Wadbillga NP ending at Tuross Falls. Overnight as required.

    Please let me know ASAP if you keen to join us for the amended trip

  5. #35
    Trip Coordinator/Association Delegate Dru's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014


    We are still up for it. See you tonight.

    Berlang Camp Site: Cooma Rd on the Shoalhaven?
    Last edited by Dru; 22-01-16 at 10:29 AM.

  6. #36


    Yes Berlang Camp site (Big Hole) on the Cooma Road near Shoalhaven River

    It should be about 30 mins from Braidwood - Cooma Rd is off Auraluan Rd and should be signposted with a directional sign to Cooma.

    See you tonight.

  7. #37


    Thanks Dru and Kerry for coming along on the weekend. Shame the river was high and we could not complete the loop road but we made the most of it

    Special thanks for participating in the 'bear hunt' as we left camp on Sunday.

  8. #38
    Trip Coordinator/Association Delegate Dru's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Complete pleasure Heidi and Brian. Quick update for the SJC-ers who couldn't make it.

    Predictably the river levels were up with all the recent rain. We attempted to avoid Bendethra camp site - not sure it was formally closed but certainly National Parks had a formal alert out and recommended avoiding it due to potential for flooding. So the plan was to hit the north part of Mongamula FT "Loop" and camp at the Dry Creek Camp site in stead. Completing the loop via Merricumbene. I think that Merricumbene and Minuma are the more challenging of the trails, but still C grade, just steep!

    Our entry point was from the Cooma Rd (out of Braidwood) via Snowball - further from the west than Kerry and I have done before and involves crossing the Shoalhaven at the start. Walking the river was entertaining and cold. At the time thought is was not too deep but cold! plenty more rivers to follow.

    The trails in Deua national Park are mostly C Grade and well maintained. There are trailer restrictions on some trails but on the whole you can get to camping areas with trailers if you plan your way in. Deua is sort of on the coast side of Canberra/Snowy Mountains. There is plenty of climbing and descent to the rivers. Unlike ou rusual haunts on the tablelands around Rydal/Lithgow, Deua is on the coast die of the great Dividing Range. Things are greener. Rain forest-y bits run up the valleys to the ridge trails and the views are simply fantastic. Highest point was slightly over 1,000m compared to Rydal area where Mt Bindo is 1,300m. But you are constantly climbing so it feels higher.

    The trails are fabulous and easy going, but you quickly get very remote and there are no short route "outs" to top up fuel. It would be a remote area to be running on empty.

    Our route in was Krawaree Trail - Middle Mountain Rd - Minuma Range FT - Mongamula FT. In particular Minuma runs along a ridge with views from both sides of the Jeep through trees. It really is sensational country. Previously we have upset Lyre Birds and echidna on this trail. We took a small detour from Minuma on the Deua Trig trail back down to the Shoalhaven crossing through alpine heath (if you've been to Mt Airlie you will know the sort of ecology, complete change from the forests). The Shoalhaven was flowing and evidence of much deeper floods. But it was a great spot for lunch.

    Onward via Mongamula FT into a private land "island" in the park with three quick river crossings (Duea River) in succession. This time the water was up. And running fast. Brian and I spent some time getting wet working out a plan of attack. Check with Kerry and Heidi as to comfort levels - seemed to be an air of resignation from our better halves. "Do we need to cross?" absolutely, long way round to back up our trails. So plan implemented and off we go. And water over the bonnet (I have no snorkel and don't like the sound of the word "hydrauliced engine"). But there you are Both through. Yee-hah! nothing holding us back. Until the next Deua crossing 100 yards down the track.

    Jeepers. Nipple deep and flowing fast. Every possible solution was walked before "Do we need to do this?" Hell no! Practice makes perfect and return through the first crossing was fine. (Thank goodness!)

    Of course the route back is lengthy, you do have do some miles on the tracks in Deua to get anywhere. At around 4:00pm brian calls in, "OK at about this time we need a revised plan to set up camp". Bendethra. That's it the one we had been trying to avoid. :-)

    Long trip back to the start then on to (Mount) Dampier FT and the long descent into Bendethra. Bendethra is an old farm/homestead with remains etc that has left the area as grassy paddocks with the Deua River winding it's way through. Picturesque and wonderful camping. This time the River crossing was completely uneventful. :-)

    Usual Camp Site, fire, dinner and beer (thanks Brian!). Sleepy morning waiting for rain to clear. Kerry and I had a failed shock, so combined with the wet conditions decided to head home as Brian and Heidi returned to friends/family for on-going day trips. BUT first no-one was allowed to leave until Izzie took us on a bear hunt. Don't worry, I'm sure everyone in SJC will get their chance and I don't want to spoil the surprise. Suffice to "we're not scared!"

    Route out was Bendthra FT and Little Sugarloaf FT. Little Supgarloaf is the usual entry with trailers but had a national parks alert due to trail damage. This damage turned out to be heavy erosion in the trail verge/drainage. There has obviously been on-going heavy rain but the trail was fine.

    So we got to be home earlier than expected and all I have to do is sort out the shock!

    Thanks Heidi and Brian for a fabulous Australia Day weekend.



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