Quote Originally Posted by Dru View Post
I'm going to simply get this one into the schedule for now. Yalwal is south - sort of near Nowra, so it is a drive - but the 4wd is definitely worth it. Come and play on Saturday if that works for you. Or Sunday if that is better. Or camp the weekend!

The camping site is on private ground on the upper Shoalhaven River - Coolendel. There are cabins, plenty of camping space, but Kerry and I are thinking about this:

We will be led out by the inimitable Dieselcon of Rampage Productions. To you and me he is Jose, of the "Jose Line". A driving line that might feel a little strange - but the photos are fantastic!

Kerry and I are really excited about having this sort of expertise available for the Chain Gang. There is no need to rely on the apprentice (Dru'n'Kerry) when we have the Master (Jose). We will be there though. Ready to lend a hand, have fun, and to learn.

No limit to numbers.

We will fill the details out later.

<no the dates wont shift - lock this one in>
We値l make this one work. Please include us.

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