Just for a bit of fun - once a day for the next 6 weeks, I'll try and toss up a trivia question. Starting today 19th June until 31st July.
If you have a suggestion or question - PM it to me.
I'll try and keep a tally of first correct answer - prize is simple boasting rights. If it looks sucessfull I might add some small prize - but lets see how it goes first.

I will also try and mix up the time of day I ask the question to make it fair.
Also if I MISS a day - then I will catchup with multiple questions, again 1 point for first correct answer. Oh yeah if the post is editted it will NOT count. Sound Fair??
Answers will be provided the next day (or when I'm next online)

OK here goes:
19/6/06: Which company produced the first Jeep?