Other advancements?

Off set to new wheels - in essence making the Jeep track wider so that it is less tippy after lifting. A great improvement for road handling, but resolving clearances to rubbing tyres can be painful and new mud guards may be required.

Want to go extreme? It's a Jeep there is ALWAYS more you can do if you insist.

Long Arms: Longer control arms which means that the radius the axle uses is longer - much more straight up and down. Also more movement available. Problems? More movement the suspension just has a little more "slop" so engineering is a little tougher, road handling not quite as tight.

4 Link rear: I mention it in passing but it removes off centre with the rear track bar so the axle stays centred. Jose has this on his TJ. I suspect it
will challenge road handling though Jose's TJ seems wonderful!

Coil Over: The shock absorbers are inside the coils. Allows longer travel but shock maintenance is more involved.

If you are considering any of this then you will know what is going on and will be running with your own recommendations.