Hi All,

It seems a little early to be doing this, but then again, IF the trip can run, we set off in 5 and a bit months!

I say IF because the big unknown is still COVID. State borders are still opening and closing, especially to Greater Sydney (us), and even though the vaccines are coming, will the situation be different by the end of June? We just don’t know.

In the hope that the trip will be able to run, I am going to start making reservations next week. There may be some minor changes to the planned campsites in the Itinerary, but I will update and send to you when I know.

I will reserve Un-Powered campsites. Once I have done that, if you want better accommodation eg powered site, cabin… then you can make contact with each place to change a “Sydney Jeep Club” reservation into a personal one. I will send the contact details of all the places that I reserve.

To reserve roughly the right number of sites I need to know how many people/Jeeps are really likely to come along. At the moment we have 9 Definites and 8 Maybes on the website. We can’t take more than 12 vehicles, so if the Maybes can let me know their intentions ASAP, I’ll update the list. I may have to turn it into a Definites (Jeeps 1 to 12) and Reserve… Hope not, as that won’t help your planning.

For the Definites, I have emailed a registration form – names, rego, contacts etc – so that I can provide that info to any caravan parks that need. Please fill out and return ASAP.

I have also recommended that you book camping at Dalhousie Springs now. It is popular, with limited camping. We would lose the $27.50 if we can’t go, but at least you won’t miss out if we can…
$27.50 covers the Camping Fee AND Vehicle entry into Witjira National Park.

The only other thing that I know we should book in advance is our Dinosaur Trail Passes, for entry to all the places on the Dino Trail ($95 per adult). We should be able to do that closer to time, hopefully we will have good COVID news!

I hope that everywhere else will take a reservation and will not require money up front. That would be way too hard if COVID means we can’t go interstate and we have to cancel. I will let you know all the details once I have made reservations.

Think that’s all for now. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

