Just a bump.

In a week or so I'm going to start making phone calls to reserve or book campsites - in anticipation that by late June, many of us will be vaccinated and hopefully borders will be open!

I'll email everyone that has said yes or maybe and try and lock in some more definite numbers for those bookings. I've already made my first booking - for our night at Dalhousie Springs.
If you want to go ahead and book that too, the website is https://www.parks.sa.gov.au/booking/...s#/accom/73186
We will be staying there on Saturday 3 July
And you need to make sure you book and pay for Vehicle Entry to the National Park AND your Camping Fee ($16.50). TOTAL = $27.50.

Hope everyone had a Happy - if quiet - Christmas and New Year. I'll be in touch soon.
