Hi Everyone,

Was hoping to get a second opinion (Or third…), Ive been uming and 'arring for about 2 months now on what lift to get, basically I had decided on a Long Arm 4” Full Traction Kit from the States then through Solid in Melbourne getting the other parts needed so it will fit RHD. But more recently Ive been thinking about the long term and a long arm kit my result in unwanted attention so have also been thinking of 4WD1 and there Rancho 4” Short arm kit, Im not really a fan of Rancho shocks but Kirks JK with the short arm kit flex’s great, looks great and seems to keep all normal on road drivability benefits of the short arm…

I suppose my question or topic is based around what would be best for me and getting some other opinions will/may help… I basically drive my Jeep everyday to and from work which is about 40 clicks each way and try and get off road at least once a week worst case once a fortnight. Im after the extra height to give my 35’s breathing room around the bushwacker flares but also want to start tackling those A grade tracks and rock shelf’s that so good from outside the cabin but get close…

Im open to any suggestions or recommendations and not only just these 2 brands but any out there