Sorry for delay in getting on, I WAS KNACKED YESTERDAY!!

Yep so we are sitting at camp Sunday morning, just finished 3rd coffee and breakie and about 50% packed when decided to go for one last drive, told the guys its about 45-50min round trip back here... hahahaha
We left camp heading down to Steve first photo of the old lunch spot under water and start driving around, all weekend we have been commenting on how high the water level is and I take us back to the bog hole WE ALWAYS get hung up on with NO alternative route because of the water level (smart), although 35's and rear locker help, so I got through, Mr 37's a cake walk and Hunno gets stuck right in the middle needing a snatch... So then its Marcus' turn and last time he was stuck so he was expecting to get stuck this time so already snatch up he goes full tilt in low 4 2nd gear and becomes the HMAS Undermud as the bonnet and half windscreen go under, but those tractor tyres Mickey Thompson call CLAWS get him through.
So then its onto one of my favorite hills up there, get half way up & a POO TROL is coming down so he moves aside and lets us through and here I am saying to myself 'I'll show these guys what a REAL 4WD can do' hahahaha... Get stuck, try a couple of times but know there are trucks without 35's and a locker behind me so need to winch the last 50m, well didnt I get a work out... Think I dropped about 4kg getting myself out of that, what with jumping in and out of the truck, winching from 2 different spots but I got up... So then Hunno needed a triple snatch and Marcus really tested out his Premier winch but almost TWO HOURS LATER we get back at camp and part ways.

Guys BIG thank you to all that come, weather certainly made things interesting..

I'll be wanting to organise a trip to Watagans soon, so watch this space...
