Hey Guys,

I hope I have posted this in the right section...

I Have owned a Suzuki Sierra for last 5 years and now deciding to upgrade. I have always over the wranglers and been interested in buying one for a while now and would like the opinion of people that know what they are talking about.

I am undecided if it is a better idea to buy for example a newer wrangler like the rubicon or to buy an older one and spend more money on it? I want to lift it a bit and add a few things like bars etc... Would it be easier to do this to the newer Rubicon because the stock parts are better or would I be better off buying an older model and replacing a lot of things? WHat are the pros and cons of getting an older or newer wrangler as far as off road capability?

I look forward to any advice you guys might have and can't wait to get one and become more active on the forum.

