Am toying with the idea of putting an auto locker in the back of my WG as the open diffs are forever getting me stuck offroad and there is no selectable locker available for this model, but I procrastinate because at the same time, I don't want to affect it's onroad characteristics too much. Has anybody got an auto locker fitted to the rear of their Jeep, and would you be able to take me for a test drive around suburban streets so I can see for myself what they are like on the bitumen??
Only other way that I figure to get more traction is to either find a 2nd hand varilok diff somewhere, or find a Dana 35 off an older model or JK diff swaps. Don't imagine any method is going to be cheap.
Or, I suppose I can put a selectable locker in the front and keep the rear diff open. Don't know how effective this set up would be though.
Anyone else got any ideas??