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Thread: Wrangler TJ over-reving when idling

  1. #1

    Default Wrangler TJ over-reving when idling

    You have all probably seen this problem before

    When we got our TJ it had this problem of sometimes and randomly over reving when supposed to be idling.
    Idle is around 750 but nearly every drive at some time or other it goes up to 1250 even up to 1750 (not often)
    tapping the throttle doesnt help
    Sometimes switching off and restatring helps but not always.

    It is probably a simple fix

    Any jeep wisdom someone can throw at this one?
    Last edited by David Eyles; 02-08-10 at 01:54 PM.

  2. #2


    If I were to guess I'd say its the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS). Quite a common fault.

  3. #3


    Thanks for that response

    I will take your guess on that

    Where is best place to buy one and what price do you think it might be?


  4. #4


    Some times a carrby/throttle cleaner can do wonders. Worth trying. Cleaner is about $13

  5. #5


    Thanks Steve

    so , with the carby cleaner - is that down the throat ? while the engine is running ?

    sorry for being a mech noob

    I have taken the TPS off and cleaned it - will test drive and see

  6. #6


    Not sure if the TJ is similar to my jeep but Yes. remove the cover over the throat and perhaps remove any sensors around the throat, spar cleaner inside and even clean the sensors slowly. let is sit a minutes and run engine. repeat a few times but follow the can instructions
    Easy to do . It was all I did when mine was revving a bit high and never had a problem since



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