A quick update with conditions in mind.

Looks like the Watagans picks up something like an inch of rain today (just like Sydney). According to BOM-Meteye, tomorrow in the Watagans is largely dry with a chance of light sprinkles in the afternoon. I haven't bothered checking fires. Closures are the usual culprits in the Watagans. Our problem is that many tracks in the Watagans drain very slowly and an inch of rain is easily enough to fill the bogs that were bone dry yesterday.

It's hard to know the actual track conditions until we get there, but the reccie will proceed. If it is greasy we will choose tracks carefully and may change the itinerary. eg Cut Rock might get harder wet, but suffers no wet weather damage. Green's Break should be OK when lightly wet, but if truly greasy will be avoided. We won't try "Extreme Herzberg" (Farrel no #3) if it's wet. I am still keen to access Whiteman's/Zigzag but we will double back if that is the sensible thing. etc.

See you there!